Recording Project Update

It's been a very productive week. I had a nice surprise when I reviewed what I had recorded last year. Because I had done so much already, I was able to work on three songs this week. I have to finish mixing for 'In My Place', but the recording was complete when I stopped the project last year. I guess I just didn't realize how much I had accomplished. Unless I run into a snag, it should be posted on this weekend. 'The Stranger' is all recorded except for the lead guitar solo. I've done several takes, but just haven't 'nailed' it yet. With a little luck this will also be ready this weekend. I did a rough take of the guitar part last year for the song 'Brother'. This week I finished about 80% of the work on the drum track. I use midi drums in my recording software to develop my own drum tracks note for note, so it can take a while. It would be great to finish the drum track this weekend, but I don't think I'll have that much time. With only a rhythm guitar and an unfinished drum track, there is still a long way to go before this song is complete. I'm excited about getting this complete in the near future. One of the great things about recording is that you sometimes surprise yourself. While you always hear things that you don't like, once in a while you hear something that you do like, but didn't realize you had played while recording. That gives you a boost and encourages more creativity. Now I'm looking forward to finishing ideas that are in progress and starting the recording process for those songs. Stay tuned....

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